Saturday, May 2, 2009

34. Stellars Jay - April 2005

Saw my first Blue Jay in Pemberton at Anna's birdfeeder. I love these birds. They're big and strong and colourful. They seem to bound around in the trees. Also saw a great one once at Alice Lake. Always startling.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing blog you have here. It's great! I was googling for images and information on black, big birds as we're new to Saskatchewan (from Maui.) There are huge birds, all black, here that descend on roadkill. They ascend together as a car comes along on the highway. I thought they were huge crows, but turns out they might be ravens although National Geographic doesn't put ravens in this area -- on their map. The Chaplin Western Hemisphere Bird Sanctuary is nearby but not open until the no answers there. Congrats again on an amazing blog. (P.S. I'm at Pamela Kinnaird W on Aloha.
