Friday, May 28, 2010

108. Spotted Sandpiper - May 2010

Seen feeding on a muddy bank of the Nicola River.

107. Yellow Rumped Warbler - May 2010

Happy, flitty, little warblers seen in the Nicola Valley.

106. Western Tanager - May 2010

Kate spotted this bird when we arrived at our Nicola Valley campsite, just outside Merritt. It was "take-your-breath-away" beautiful. We later disovered our campsite was Western Tanager City, lots of them around.

105. Black Bellied Plover - May 2010

Hanging out with the other plovers and sandpipers at Boundary Bay.

104. American Golden Plover - May 2010

I immediately recognised these guys at Boundary Bay from the photos in the bird book. They're very distinctive. Saw one guy through the binocs, he was standing on one leg. I was looking at him saying "come on, put your leg down and turn around...". When I got closer all his buddies ran off. He hopped, on his one leg.

103. Western Sandpiper - May 2010.

Beautiful little birds fossicking at the tide line in Boundary Bay.

102. Dunlin - May 2010.

On the advice of Brian from Reiffel I went out to Boundary Bay one hour after high tide. This Dunlin was one of four birds I saw for the first time that morning.

101. Common Yellowthroat

The first time I went to Boundary Bay it was a cold, dreary, windy Winter's day. I was with the kids and we had a truly awful time. I swore I would never return to Ladner. Well - in a quest to increase my bird count I did return. Coronation Park is lovely in Spring. Lots of flowers, trees... and birds. I heard, then saw, this Yellowthroat by the creek at the beginning of the Raptor Walk.